
Happy October! 🍁🍂

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” —L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables 🌻

Ahh-ctober, you’re finally here! This is the month I anxiously and impatiently look forward to all year long, like a child who can’t wait to throw on a costume and go trick-or-treating. This go-around will a be a particularly busy time for me, as I am planning a party (not Halloween related, surprisingly), hoping to go to a party (Halloween related, not surprisingly), and trying to coordinate other activities and festivities.

Truth be told, I am slightly overwhelmed, but I am going to keep trudging through, all in the name of October shenanigans. I thought I’d compile a little “bucket list” of things I’d like to do this delightfully creepy month. Okay, I know it’s not really a bucket list, but you know what I mean… Keep on reading to take a peak into my Halloween candy bucket of things I think would be fun to do before spooky season ends. 🎃

1. Go apple picking — What is more quintessential than this classic autumn activity?

2. Decorate — How many fall candles does one need? “The limit does not exist.” Yes, I stole that from Mean Girls, and I’m not ashamed.

3. Try a new pumpkin spice latte recipe — Some might call it basic. I like to call it basically delicious.

4. Go to a fall festival — Can we get some Gilmore Girls vibes around here?

5. Have a Halloween movie night — Cute, classic, suspense, horror… the more, the scarier.

6. Attend a Halloween/costume party — Why go as yourself when you can go as a sexy-zombie-cat-witch-pirate-princess from outer space?

7. Take pics in an orchard or sunflower field — If I’m going to be a walking cliché, at least I’ll be walking through an orchard or sunflower field.

8. Go through a haunted attraction — “I ain’t afraid of no ghost.”

9. Bake a pumpkin loaf — Yes, I am going to be that person.

10. Cook (and eat) a fall-inspired menu — We’re talking pumpkin pancakes, butternut squash soup, chili… All of the good stuff.

11. Roast pumpkin seeds — Who doesn’t love a good roast?

12. Go on a scenic, fall foliage drive — While cruising to a fall playlist. Monster Mash, anyone?

13. Carve pumpkins — Is it even really fall if you don’t get arms deep in pumpkin guts while attempting to surgically alter it into a semi-decent Jack-o-lantern, with a flimsy little gourd scalpel? Didn’t think so.

Hope you enjoyed my little candy bucket list. It probably isn’t much different than that of the other zillion pumpkin spice-sipping, fuzzy sweater-wearing fall lovers out there. I like what I like. Will I accomplish everything on it? Who knows. Will I try to accomplish everything on it? With every fiber of my apple cider-drinking, cozy slipper-wearing being. What are some activities you plan to do this season? If you’re reading this, feel free to leave some inspo—and remember to stay sassy and spooky. 🌙👻

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