Dark Poetry

The Greatest Show…

Turn on the cameras. Do a good deed. Make sure to broadcast it for all the world to see.

She’s such a good person. He’s simply the best. So generous and giving, they’re not like the rest.

We’re so unworthy. They’re so genuine and loving. It’s okay if they feed their egos, as long as they feed the hungry.

…even though they’re taking full advantage of someone else’s situation—having no reservations. We idolize exploitation and ignore the degradation. They gain adoration and followers by playing and preying on another’s sense of self preservation. Making a spectacle so they can be put on a pedestal, like baiting and demonstrating a trained animal for your entertainment at a show.

Why so much doubt? You’re a toxic Negative Nancy, a Debbie Downer for pointing it out. We need more positivity and good samaritans like this, don’t you know?

But is it for a good cause, when we really look at the cost? We praise narcissism if it’s done in the name of altruism and mistake it for charity and compassion. As long as it looks good on the surface, we’ll call it their passion. No, question. We’ll all agree blindly and follow in the same fashion.

Let them climb on their high horse, in the face of someone’s lowest low. Get with the program. Shut up and join the status quo. Now grab some popcorn, sit back, and please enjoy the show.

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